Upon exiting a university or conservatory with diploma in hand, many young artists find themselves in an immediate period of uncertainty. Having enjoyed the surroundings of a performance-charged atmosphere geared towards preparation for the career ahead, the sudden transition can be confusing and unexpected. While perhaps winning local and national competitions or performing exquisitely in weekly master classes is significant and noteworthy, it falls short of extending the required persistence in bringing that recognition to the next level.


Jack Price understands this interim adjustment and offers his masterfully helping hands as both manager and premier performer. 

He and his team will design a site within a site, press kit, one-page sizzle, dossier and cultivate presenter interest by making (1-3) hours of specifically targeted calls monthly on the young artist's behalf, bringing them into the forefront of consideration. Apprentice artists will enjoy a visual presence alongside a multitude of internationally recognized musicians, supported by the success of a leading long-standing management-and manager!


As apprenticeships are notably time-sensitive we invite advancement-or graduation into a broader spectrum of our management services offered.

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